A woman with light brown hair looks down with a hand on her forehead, appearing concerned or deep in thought.

Why am I so Cranky?

A picture of Charles Mok

Charles Mok

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Menopause is no joke. It’s not all in our heads, and there are real treatments available to help with the symptoms. Hormones have always been good at messing with us, whether it’s coming from moody, confused teenagers, or crabby, overweight, spaced-out adults with a low sex drive.

Falling into that second category are many women “of a certain age.” But while it seems no one I know has been able to escape the clutches of menopause, it’s important to know that there are methods for easing the malady.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has been proven to safely ease common complaints associated with “The Change,” and has indeed made a world of difference in my own life.

But first, let’s talk about what happens to your body when menopause takes place. It may start with hot flashes (which for me weren’t “flashes” at all, but rather agonizing events that lasted more than an hour!), anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, weight gain (especially around the mid-section), and seemingly inexplicable brain fog.

Menopause forces you into a new scary existence where nothing feels the same anymore, whether it’s your own body or your connection to people around you. But, speaking from experience, there’s hope. You can get better with age! With the help of Allure Medical, you can combat the symptoms and find a way to align your mind and your body.

If your hormones have gone haywire, take this short quiz to see what relief might be out there for you. Rate each of the following symptoms based on your symptoms for the last 30 days:

How often do you experience anxiety, irritability or aggressiveness?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

How often do you feel tired, or have a loss of interest in your usual activities?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

How often do you experience insomnia waking up in the middle of the night, difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

How often do you experience difficulty with your memory or concentrating?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

How often do you experience excessive sweating?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

Is it difficult to lose weight, or are you gaining weight?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

Have you experienced a decrease in your work performance, or your strength and endurance?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

How often have you experienced a decrease in your sex drive?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

Do you feel less content with your life and your body?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

Do you experience hot flashes or night sweats?

Never, Occasionally or Frequently?

If you answered frequently to at least five of these questions, you may be experiencing menopause.

If you’ve been ambushed by menopause and are weighing the pros and cons of HRT, I’ve done some of the heavy lifting for you. Allure Medical’s team will design a customized treatment plan just for you, just as they did for me.

Check under the services tab of alluremedical.com for all the latest treatment options, and to see if HRT can help relieve your symptoms. As always, you can schedule a free consultation at any of Allure’s locations.

Though you may feel a lot of different emotions during this time in your life, it’s important to remember this is a completely normal phase all women experience – even though it may feel like anything but normal. Hormone Replacement Therapy has been like being handed the keys to the kingdom for me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Charles Mok

Dr. Charles Mok

About Charles Mok

Dr. Charles Mok received his medical degree from Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Chicago, Illinois in 1989. He completed his medical residency at Mount Clemens General Hospital, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He has worked with laser manufacturing companies to improve their technologies; he has performed clinical research studies and has taught physicians from numerous other states. His professionalism and personal attention to detail have contributed to the success of one of the first medical spas in Michigan.

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