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A person in a blue polo shirt is sitting and reading a book titled "You're Gonna Get Fat." The background is neutral with light-colored walls and a cushion.

Breast Cancer Prevented. Heart Disease Reduced. Menopause Improved.

In Testosterone: Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman, Dr. Charles Mok explains why hormone replacement therapy using testosterone not only helps with breast cancer prevention and reducing heart disease in women, but it also improves debilitating menopause symptoms.

A book titled "Testosterone: Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman" with a stethoscope and a button reading "Order Free Book" is visible on the right.

Hey Guys, Low-T Effects More Than You Think.

If Your Testosterone Is Low, You’re Gonna Get Fat discusses how as men age and their testosterone declines, a host of preventable problems can develop. Besides obesity, these problems include diabetes, depression, erectile dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. If you’re seeking care that will safely help you look and feel better, or if you simply want to know what the choices are, this is the book for you.

A book titled "If your testosterone is low, you’re gonna get fat" by Dr. Charles Mok. It discusses the consequences of low testosterone and includes 17 other things the FDA doesn't want you to know.

New Discoveries in the World of Multiple Sclerosis

Drug therapies for Multiple Sclerosis either slow down the progression of the disease or lessen its effects. They do not cure it. The goal of this booklet is to educate you on the development of multiple sclerosis, and the recent discoveries offering clues to future cures.

Cover of a book titled "New Standard of Care Multiple Sclerosis: The Healthcare Advancements You Can't Afford to Ignore" by Dr. Charles Mok. The cover features medical imagery of cells and molecules.

Advanced Treatment Guides: Cure Your Leg Pain for Good

At Allure, we believe in curing vein disease, not just managing symptoms. Old treatment methods are putting a huge burden on our nation’s economy and causing patients unnecessary suffering. We have the power to make an incredible shift in care and that is exactly what we are going to do.

Book cover titled "Cure Your Leg Pain For Good" by Dr. Charles Mok, featuring illustrations of legs with varicose veins and a photo of the author. Subtext mentions advanced treatment for vein disease.

Reducing or eliminating sleep apnea can improve your health span and lifespan.

Disturbed sleep is linked to weight gain, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and a shortened lifespan and health span. In this book, Dr. Mok explains the options available to you that can reduce or even eliminate snoring and sleep apnea leading to a healthier life.

Banner for "Sleep Apnea: The 21st Century Epidemic" by Dr. Charles Mok, featuring images of people sleeping, a woman yawning, and a man using a CPAP machine. It stresses the importance of addressing sleep issues.