Side-by-side comparison of a woman's face before and after a cosmetic procedure, showing reduced wrinkles and smoother skin in the after image.

How Many Units of Botox® Do I Need?

A picture of Charles Mok

Charles Mok

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With many cosmetic procedures and age defying technology reaching the forefront of the new age, it is understandable to have a few questions that need to be addressed, especially when it comes to the most popular of them all, cosmetic injections. Here at Allure Medical, we will break down our most commonly asked questions, with the biggest one being, how many units of Botox® do I need?

What is Botox®, Anyway?

Well, let’s first break down exactly what Botox® is, and what it can do for you. Botox is a neurotoxin protein and it is used to block certain muscles from contracting and creating those dreadful things, we call wrinkles. Wrinkles can be prevented or kept from getting worse with Botox®, keeping your skin looking youthful, and radiant. One single bottle of botox has a measurement of about 100 units per vial, with a mix of saline solution added to draw it up. Now, based off of the strength of your muscle our practitioners can thoroughly examine, and determine how many units you may need.

What Types of Toxins Does Allure Medical® Use?

At Allure Medical®, we use four different kinds of toxins, which include; Botox®, Xeomin®, Jeuveau®, and Disport®. The most popular amongst the four by our practitioners is Xeomin®, because of its precision and longevity. Xeomin® is used mostly to treat the Glabella muscle, which is a muscle right between the eyebrows that is known for causing tired and even angry looking expressions. Treating that specific muscle can make a big difference in looking less tired, and can even soften your expression by getting a bit of a brow lift. The common dosage for treating the Glabella muscle in women is around 30 units, and 40 units in men. The reason why is because men typically have bigger faces, and thicker muscles, so they can actually use up to 30% more units than women.

How Do You Treat Crow’s Feet with Botox?®

Then comes the second most popular treatment amongst our patients, the crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are the lines around the side of our eyes when we smile, that can cause them to have an older looking appearance. The FDA indicated dose to treat that particular area is 12 units per side, or 20 to 30 units in total.

So, in retrospect, treating both the glabella and the crow’s feet muscle you can expect around 55 units in total, which is the average treatment plan at Allure Medical®, and can take years off of your face in one simple sitting! A few things to note is that for anyone in their mid to late 20’s, we usually treat them with around 40 units of toxin because they haven’t over developed their muscles and we can use it more as a preventative.

How Do You Treat the Forehead with Botox®?

Now, when it comes to treating the forehead, the muscle is very thin to begin with, and it is also the muscle that is used to lift the brows. The most common mistake that can be found if you are not doing the correct research, is over-treating the forehead. The FDA’s recommended dose is 20 units, which is deemed as way too many by our practitioners.

Typically, we use about 4-10 units in that area because it is your sole lifter muscle, and it could actually achieve the opposite affect if you inject too much, especially in woman. Too much Botox® in the forehead can weaken the muscle causing it to drop, as well as the eyebrows, making you look even more tired and angry. That is why we use a higher dose on the surrounding areas, like the glabella and crows feet.

That way, you can achieve a lift without compromising the forehead. In conclusion, determining how much Botox® you may need is a simple yet complex answer, because everyone’s muscle mass and strength is so different and unique. Luckily, we have trained practitioners on staff that can determine and base specific treatments made just for you, to give you the optimal results you’ve been hoping for, in the most safe, timely, and efficient way.

Say hello to aging gracefully, and book your appointment today.

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Charles Mok

Dr. Charles Mok

About Charles Mok

Dr. Charles Mok received his medical degree from Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Chicago, Illinois in 1989. He completed his medical residency at Mount Clemens General Hospital, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. He has worked with laser manufacturing companies to improve their technologies; he has performed clinical research studies and has taught physicians from numerous other states. His professionalism and personal attention to detail have contributed to the success of one of the first medical spas in Michigan.

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